Our planters have put well over a billion trees in the ground across Canada since 1970.
Almost half a century ago, Dirk Brinkman traveled west to test his mettle in the B.C. wilderness. After a few years of lumberjacking, he and a group of friends won one of the first tree planting contracts in Canada opting to plant trees instead. Those saplings have grown up fast, and once he and co-founder Joyce Murray incorporated in 1979, their tree planting business grew quickly too, transforming the world of environmental entrepreneurship along the way.
Since then, thousands of Brinkman workers have planted over 1.5 Billion trees from Woss, BC to North Bay, Ontario.
We have learned that planting trees is no longer an investment in the distant future but part of the cost of cutting timber today. Thanks to Brinkman’s best practices, the forests we plant now are healthier than ever - ensuring a better quality yield the next time. That’s sustainability in action.